Thursday, November 29, 2007

10th + G Office/Church Combo:

As reported at DCMud, the project at 10th & G NW is now office/church instead of condos/church. There's also a decent amount of commentary at PQLiving, not that I agree with any of the comments. Here are the latest renderings, as found at the website for Cunningham + Quill Architects. I don't find the architecture to be inspiring, however I do think its decent. I'm looking forward to see how this projects develops.


Alfredo Valiente said...

Wow - the future is here (mixed uses a la Delirious NY) as the city grows. The design looks at the Mies Van DerRohe inspired library next door - very cool addition to DC's trendy architecture pantheon - wtach out London.

Justin from ReadysetDC said...

I agree! Some people may not like it, but the fact that new, different things are happening is what adds diversity and, gasp, "vibrance"!

Jon Gann said...

These drawings are old - were for the residential building. Perhaps the new, commercial building has a different look

Justin from ReadysetDC said...

Jon, thanks for letting me know. These renderings are on the site listed as the office project, but perhaps they will change.

TJM said...

Hopefully the design does change. The upper part is fine, but the street level design is horrible-- it looks like a construction barrier rather than part of the building. So much for creating some vibrancy in a dead stretch of the block plagued with homeless camping out.