The first project in this series is the Poplar Point redevelopment project. The four development teams presented their proposals yesterday. And Now, Anacostia has the scoop from the meeting.
Let's start with the good:

I just love this proposal. Great density, great park design, great urban design. I love the circle at the the South Capital Bridge, along with the development surrounding it (although I don't believe Poplar Point includes west of the circle), and the canal that slices through the park. The proposal offers the option of the DC United Stadium.
And the bad:

WTF?! Archstone Smith & Madison Marquette, what the hell were you thinking?? It seriously IS a suburban town center! Parking structures? Seriously... I'm at a loss for words. This rendering says enough.
There are two more development teams, Forest City Washington (which is developing The Yards across the river) and Mid-City Urban/ General Growth Properties. Check out Poplar Point Finalists Unveiled at And Now, Anacostia for the rundown of all four teams.
Also of note, according to Washington Business Journal Victor MacFarlane, president of the company that owns DC United, was in attendance at the meeting and that he said that he liked Clark Realty's proposal. When all of this settles, this project will change Anacostia and DC as a whole.
Poplar Point Finalists Unveiled [And Now, Anacostia]
Stadium Still in Mix Under 2 Poplar Point Plans [Express]
Visions of Vibrancy [WaPo]
Developers sketch out competing plans for Poplar Point [WBJ]
Hey Justin,
I was just looking at your blog this morning as well. Great work.
BTW how long have you been blogging?
Why development?
I started this blog in September, and I'm more recently focusing more time to it. I chose to blog development because I found myself spending so much time looking into it. I grew up inside the Beltway when DC was completely different, and to see such a drastic transformation happen before my eyes, I just couldn't turn away.
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